Mill Roll Stand

Mill Roll Stand with one paper Reel

This Mill Roll Stand is an efficient method of picking up paper rolls between two chucks for holding the unwinding reels of paper in a controlled fashion.
By having a brake fixed to the outer end of the chuck shafts, which are mounted on the end of the two heavy-duty arms that enable the paper rolls to be clamped on their centre cores.

Closed-Loop Control 

Mill Roll Stand with one paper ReelThe controlled rate of unwinding paper is held under tension by applying pneumatic pressure to the disk brake on the chucks.

This pneumatic pressure is under a fine-tuned controller that is usually an E/P unit that receives its signal from load cells in a closed-loop system.


Open Loop Control 

Or in an open-loop system set by a pre-selected tension switch, that maintains a constant proportional tension in the unwinding paper reel.

The two different systems work very well in different applications.
The tension controllers may incorporate other devices to monitor and maintain a steady reducing brake force, which holds the paper reel tension constantly throughout the full reel, for example, a sonic sensor.

Good reel tension is paramount to producing good, corrugated boards on modern high-speed corrugators and laminators.


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